A conversation with women about dating after a spinal cord injury. Our special guests Madison Russell and Gina Schuh will share their experiences with online platforms, first dates, relationships, break-ups, disability-bloopers and more.
Women & SCI/D Health Talks is a community led program aimed to provide women with SCI information about health and community and space to discuss topics such as sexuality, women’s health, and relationships.
SPECIAL GUESTS: Madison Russell and Gina Schuh

Madison Russell
Madison is a T5 incomplete paraplegic from syringomyelia. She is also a dancer, handcyclist, and advocate for queer disabled women.

Gina Schuh
Gina is a painter with a flair for color and thought-provoking images. She had a spinal cord injury in 2003 at the age of 18. Realizing the injustice many people with disabilities face Gina received her law degree and pursued disability advocacy for many years, focusing on sexuality and progressive legislation. During Covid Gina rekindled her love of art and has recently found herself exhibiting her paintings in galleries.