Women with spinal cord injury and disabilities face unique challenges when accessing healthcare. Join us for a conversation about access to healthcare for women with SCI/D. We will be discussing topics such as knowing your rights, how to find a healthcare provider who knows SCI/D, as well as mammograms, birth control, physicals, and other more!
MONIQUE STAMPS. Monique became paralyzed in a car accident, at the young age of 16 years old. She graduated from college with a Bachelor’s degree in social work, became a proud mom of two, and worked for the next 10 years at an Independent Living Center, where she connected with other women with disabilities. She started a sister chapter of Women Embracing Abilities Now (W.E.A.N.) in Charlotte NC. Among many initiatives, the group advocates for equal access to breast and OB/GYN medical care and educates the community about the high rates of health disparities for people with disabilities. She is now an Outreach Coordinator for Raw Beauty Project Health initiative. Monique has joined forces with the North Carolina Spinal Cord Injury Association to host an annual conference to empower women and girls with disabilities to start a wave of community activism and awareness to bring change in NC to end the cycle of poverty and isolation of women with disabilities.
DR. SUSAN SOLMAN. Dr. Susan Solman is a clinical pharmacist, podiatric physician, and an Associate Professor of Pharmacology at FIU/ Herbert Wertheim College of Medicine. Dr. Solman is passionate about disability awareness and addressing the significant disparities and barriers to healthcare that exist for people with physical disabilities. She has incorporated disability education into the physician assistant and medical school curriculum to create better, disability-competent practitioners and a healthcare system that is accessible to everyone with impaired mobility. Dr. Solman is a sought-after speaker on the topic of disability awareness, with a focus on the healthcare disparities that exist for people with physical disabilities, and has appeared at conferences and events both in the U.S. and internationally.
Women & SCI/D Health Talks is a community lead program aimed to provide women with SCI information about sexual health and community and space to discuss topics such as sexuality, women’s health, and relationships.