Managing bladder and pelvic health is important for physical and mental wellbeing of people with SCI and neurogenic bladders. Finding what is right for you can be a significant factor in improving quality of life. Our special guest, Dr. Stephanie Kielb will share her expertise in treatments and options available to women with SCI/D. This webinar is for information only please consult a doctor for which treatments or operations are the best fit for you.
Women & SCI/D Health Talks is a community led program aimed to provide women with spinal cord injury information about health and community and space to discuss topics such as sexuality, women’s health, and relationships.
SPECIAL GUEST: Dr. Stephanie Kielb
Dr. Kielb specializes in the treatment of urinary symptoms related to spinal cord injury, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, and other neurologic conditions, which affect urination. She has extensive surgical experience in complex reconstructive procedures, including bladder augmentation, mitrofanoff/monti procedures (catheterizable channels), ureteral reconstruction for ureteral strictures or injury including robotic ureteral reimplant, boari flap, psoas hitch, and ileal ureter construction for extensive ureteral strictures from radiation therapy. She also treats genitourinary fistulas, including vesicovaginal (between bladder and vagina), ureterovaginal (between the ureter and vagina), and enterovesical (between bowel and bladder). She is on the Medical Board of the International Organization for Women and Development and has been traveling to Africa twice yearly with the organization to treat obstetric related fistulas since 2012.